
Welcome to Christ Uncut where speaking biblical truths are first and foremost. In Jesus’ three-year ministry, He spoke about love, self-denial, and most importantly, salvation. Jesus was the epitome of love and in that love, He had to speak some hard truths which were not accepted by many of that time. In doing so, He lost a great deal of support – followers returning to the comforts of the world. He was perceived as offensive and disruptive. No matter how difficult it was, the pressures of being a non-conformist did not change the blueprint of what God had already set forth. A new covenant was decreed and the Messiah had come to save us all from eternal damnation.

Just as Jesus, the apostles, and the prophets of old, we at Christ Uncut believe as the bible that the highest form of worship is obedience. Jesus has empowered us with the Holy Spirit to contend with the pressures of the world. He encourages us to put His words into practice. We at Christ Uncut also believe we are living in the end times and that there is no margin to sugarcoat the Word of God. Satan has amped up his aggression and we in the Kingdom of God must do the same. We are living in a time that has come full circle from the days of the Pharisees. The world feigns for God to be gone and forgotten. The public utterance of the name, Jesus is considered insulting today. But the Scriptures warn of those who call evil good and good evil. Peter and John were beaten for their refusal to keep quiet about Jesus. After their beating, they celebrated because they had suffered disgrace for His name.

The days of the suffering servant are long gone. The future promises the return of Christ Jesus, the Lion of Judah. In Revelation 2:29, Jesus declared, “Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” Jesus also said He did not come to bring peace, but division (Luke 12:51). In that statement, He is urging us to choose a side. In choosing Jesus, we are only choosing He Who first chose us. There is tremendous hope in the promises of God for standing firm in faith and truth.

Therefore, my brothers, be steadfast, immovable,

always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that

in the Lord your labor is not in vain.

1 Corinthians 15:58

Letters from the Cave

By Stresia Parker

Letters From the Cave offers a compelling collection of thought-provoking essays rooted in God’s Word, blending personal experiences with profound biblical insights to inspire a more intentional walk with Christ.

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