Sore Thumb, The Holy Courage of Jonathan Isaac

2020, for obvious reasons, was an extremely precarious year. Covid was at its peak, social justice was dominating the airwaves, and every nation appeared to be having a collective meltdown. When the world was trending left, National Basketball Association Player, Jonathan Issac made a deliberate decision to go right.

In the 2020, NBA Commissioner, Adam Silver waived the mandatory requirement for NBA players to stand for the national anthem in response to the well-publicized brutal murder of George Floyd by a police officer. Most players around the league and coaches kneeled during the anthem in a show of solidarity. But on the third game of the NBA season, one player stood up while the rest of his team kneeled with arms locked in unity. The Black Lives Matter movement had caught fire with the death of Floyd and was permeating the sports world with exact precision. With lights dimmed on the Brooklyn Nets audience and all players on both sides wearing BLM t-shirts with one knee pressed on a well-lit basketball court, Jonathan stood out like a sore thumb.

Prior to the game, Jonathan addressed his decision at the team meeting knowing full well the risk he was taking – a lack of endorsement deals, negative media attention, or even being deemed an outcast amongst the NBA brotherhood. It was a risk Jonathan was willing to take. He was standing for something far greater: Jesus Christ. Jonathan stated the Gospel is how we get past matters that plague our nation. “It gets to a point where we point fingers about whose evil is worse. And sometimes that comes with whose evil is most visible.” Jonathan further stated the answers to all problems including race relations is Jesus Christ.

This bold stance opened doors as Jonathan would go on take on other controversial topics. But what sparked this sudden jolt of courage in Jonathan? At the time of his stance, he was only in his third year of the NBA. There are other self-proclaimed Christians in the NBA but Jonathan was the one player willing to risk it all.

Jonathan had a Christian upbringing. He knew God and believed in God but never had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Like many players, he was living the typical NBA lifestyle. Then one day, a teammate invited him to a chapel and at the topic of the service stood an impactful bible verse which read, “Why do you call me Lord, Lord and not do what I say?” (Luke 6:46). This verse resonated with Jonathan, hitting him “like a ton of bricks”, he expressed. This verse propelled him to dig deeper into what it truly means to be Christ-like. His hunger for God went from non-existent to starvation. He began binging on Christian apologetics videos, learning more and more – feeding his spirit. It was during this time he had brief yet life-changing exchange with a man on an elevator. The man stated, “I can tell you how to be great. You have to know Jesus.”

Jonathan’s initial response to the man was dismissive but the magnetism of the Holy Spirit could not be denied. He would run into the man several more times and would later ask the gentleman to breakfast. He learned the stranger in the elevator was Durone Hepburn, Founder and Lead Pastor of J.U.M.P. Ministries Global Church.

During their meeting, Pastor Hepburn invited Jonathan to assist on a food drive for the homeless. In doing so, the calling in the Kingdom of God became more evident. It was that night that Jonathan dropped to his knees and surrendered his life to Christ. The scales were removed from his eyes and he could see and feel the presence of the Holy God.

Jonathan explained before he made the decision whether or not to stand, he made a phone call to his pastor. They discussed the potential backlash of not falling in line with the direction the world was trending. His pastor advised him, “You cannot stand for God and God not stand for you.”

Standing is exactly what God has done for Jonathan. It has propelled him to unforeseen levels. Jonathan has since become an ordained minister. In May of 2022, he published his first book, Why I Stand, which has garnered great reviews and is a National Best Seller. In addition, in 2023, Jonathan launched his own sports apparel brand, UNITUS. UNITUS was created in response to the cancel culture world we live in today. It’s an alternative line for those who believe in traditional values and do not want to buckle under the pressure of societal influences and the agendas of many companies. UNITUS is driven by the importance and recognition of faith and family.

Through all his triumphs and trials, Jonathan has discovered his purpose and who he is as a man. He has gone from a guy who struggled with anxiety and fear much of his life to standing boldly on the principles and promises of God. Jesus is where he stakes his flag – not with Black Lives Matter, not with democrat nor republican but an allegiance with God Himself. The world viewed Jonathan as a party-pooping maverick; a sore thumb when he stood alone on that world stage. But God saw him as an extension of His light. At times, standing for Christ means going at it solo, even if it means being a sore thumb. What an inspiration to Christians everywhere!

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