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Culprit: Christianity

In May 2023, Uganda enacted a bill making acts of homosexuality punishable by the death. In addition, anyone promoting it can be sentenced to as much as 20 years in prison.

A recent article by the Insider indicated American Christian evangelism as the culprit for such a law being passed. LBGTQ activists have suggested that the American far right along with their family values promotion over the years has influenced the anti-gay paranoia which permeates throughout Uganda. Ugandan Human rights lawyer, Nicholas Opiyo stated, “The wave of homophobia and transphobia in Uganda, and the region, has nothing to do with Ugandan or African values. It is a disguised campaign by American evangelicals through their local actors.”

First and foremost, this is by far one of the most ridiculous laws ever enacted, and if any Christian is a proponent of it, that person is not a Christian. To execute someone for sexual sin goes against the teachings of the New Testament. It is a form of hate that should not be tolerated nor supported by the Christian Community. It is also a violation of human rights which cannot and should not be argued. The purpose of the Christian evangelizing across the world is to spread the message of the Gospel and in doing so, souls can be saved. That’s it. There is no hidden agenda. The Gospel is as bright of a light as any other light could fathom. If following Christianity means trusting in God and giving up certain lifestyles such as drugs, prostitution, premarital sex – or might I add – homosexuality, then it must be attributed to biblical adherence – being faithful to what one subscribes to.

It is interesting how Christianity is being blamed for this law. Meanwhile, countries like Japan, China, and India all have bans on gay marriage. Christianity is not the dominant religion in the aforementioned countries. Buddhism, Hinduism, and atheism are. These religions denounce the practice of homosexuality but somehow they evade the ridicule and condemnation thrown at Christians around the world. Somehow, they have escaped the tag of hatred, evil, and unloving. Interestingly enough, Open Doors, an organization who monitors religious persecution, reports that Christians are more likely to face persecution and death than any other religion around the world, though it is a religion of forgiveness and civility. This makes insinuating evangelism contributed to his law an absurd notion.

Only the Ugandan Parliament knows why it passed this law. I strongly believe its exaggerated fear stems from Uganda and the rest of the world watching the disintegration of American culture. It believes the West is pushing its LGBTQ agenda and is unwilling to allow the power of this organization to shape their culture. Ugandan Speaker, Anita Annet said as much, “We have stood strong to defend our culture and aspirations of our people.” Bill supporter, Martin Ssempa went on to state that the country has defied the bullying by the Americans and Europeans. “They intimidate and threaten you.”

What this reveals to me is that over the years, behind closed doors, there has been pressure from the West to have Uganda embrace the homosexual lifestyle. But what the Ugandan government actions have demonstrated is not only are we not going to capitulate to American culture, but we will go as far as murdering our own people to derail it from happening. And while all this back-and-forth chatter is going on, Ugandan homosexuals are caught up in the crossfire of a cultural war. The worldwide LGBTQ agenda has backfired. Uganda is now at center stage on what could happen when pipes burst.

The question everyone should be asking is, why now? Why in 2023 would Uganda enact this hate law? Evangelism in Africa has been going on for decades and homosexuality is not new to Uganda. When it all adds up, Christianity is not the culprit. I think those who suggest so are well aware of the idiocy of this false accusation. This is an aim to break-up, divide, and end worldwide Christian evangelism.

Passing such a law will not bring an end to homosexuality. Just as prostitution and murder, homosexuality has been practiced since Genesis. It would always be here. Christians must use the power of the Holy Spirit to combat any and all forms of evil. The Christian’s purpose is to bring those who are lost to the righteousness of God. Salvation is the motivation.

The truth of the Gospel is only offensive to those who choose to remain in the dark but that is not its intent. But if it is offensive, one will have to settle with being offended. Jesus’ ministry angered the authorities to the point of His murder but it did not alter His message. The truth of God will reach those with open ears wherever they may be on earth.

The evidence is clear. Two culprit parties hold their fair share of accountability for this unfortunate circumstance: The Ugandan government for its unjust and might I add, absurd overreaction, and those who have pressured a nation to assimilate its family values with the West.

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